For wannabe writers afflicted with chronic procrastination and lack of motivation.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Welcome to the first writing exercise here at GOYAW!!!

First, if you know me and I know you, or even if I don't know you, and you want to join to write, email me! My address is in the sidebar. I would love for people who are interested in participating to become members so you can post your musings instead of just leaving them in comments. I also envision a writing community where everyone suggests different writing exercises, offers links to people like This Guy, and in general is all about writing, wanting to write, writers block and the eccentric tendencies of writers to not do the thing they love- write.

So write here. Write now.

I'll start with my favorite exercise... the LIST.

Read the questions, pick ONE and come up with at least twenty answers. This exercise doesn't work if you don't get close to twenty- the answers from 15 to 20 are the ones you could use as a plot in a novel- they are going to be the fresh, original ideas that only you come up with. Answers 1 thru 10 are typically the most obvious and would be the same as what someone else has come up with.


* Why would a woman with long, dark, beautiful hair cut it off and dye it blonde?
* Why would a man take a new route to work?
* What might cause a family of five to move to a foreign country?
* Your main character goes crazy and walks into his place of employment with a bomb strapped to himself. What happened?
* A man is in love with a woman he just met, but she abhors him. Why?
* After ten years of marriage, a woman empties her bank account and vanishes into the night, leaving 2 small kids and a loving husband. Why?


Here's mine:

I'm choosing why a man would choose a new route to go to work:

1. He's bored with the old route.
2. He's having an affair and the object of the affair lives on that route.
3. He's stalking a coworker.
4. He's following his teenage kid, whom he believes is selling drugs.
5. The old route has potholes.
6. They installed one too many lights on the old route.
7. He's dumb and he thinks it's a shortcut.
8. (ugh, struggling...) The new route goes by a house he'd like to buy for his wife.
9. He's being followed by the CIA.
10. He's being followed by the mafia.
11. He read somewhere that you should change up your routines so as not to be targeted by identity thieves.
12. He's a pervert, and there's more kids in the neighborhood that the new route goes through.
13. He's on a diet and there is a McDonald's on the old route, and he's weak.
14. He heard that there's a meth lab on the new route and he's a new addict, spending his family's savings to feed the habit.
15. (ugh, again....) He's trying to get fired, and since he is normally a punctual person, the extra five miles makes him ten minutes late.
16. A co-worker he hates got his promotion, and that co-worker always takes the same route as the man. The man is afraid that he might pull the gun out of the glove comartment and shoot at the coworker if he sees him on the road.
17. They built a Krispy Kreme on the new route, and he's not on a diet.
18. There's a state trooper that hangs out in a speed trap on the old route, and the guy already has 4 speeding tickets and can't afford for his insurance to go up again.
19. He bikes to work, and he's avoiding a viscious oversized poodle that haunts the old route.
20. Hmmm, this one is tough.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Chrissy said...

I think #15 is hysterical! That sounds like a great story.
I'm thinking about doing the last question. Does her husband have to love her?
So, can I join you? You have my email :-)C

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

After ten years of marriage, a woman empties her bank account and vanishes in the night, leaving 2 small kids and a loving husband. Why?

1. She emptied the account to buy furniture, was in a hit & run and now has amnesia.
2. She found her ex-fiance on the internet and is reuniting with him.
3. A reality show has solicited her and vanishing was part of the deal.
4. She found her ex-roommate online and has turned colors to be with her.
5. The underground secret service for the European Union hired her before she met DH and she’s been called to active duty.
6. She hates her husband because he seems weak in his constant adoration of her.
7. She gambled all of their money and left before she used the deed on the house.
8. She gambled the house, too, and ran before her family disowned her.
9. A private investigator has revealed that she is heir to a fortune, but only if she lives alone in France.
10. She’s gone to Nashville to pursue her dream of singing country music.
11. She was abducted at the ATM and.......
12. A Dr. told her that she has a fatal illness with only 2 weeks to live. She doesn’t want her family to see her in pain. She’s gone to Figi to die in paradise.
13. She’s pregnant with the UPS driver’s child.
14. She joined a cult.
15. She’s been mentally ill since a recent broken neck injury and is leaving before she hurts someone.
16. She was summoned by her mother, who is dying, and needed the cash to fly. She left a note--the dog ate it.
17. She had a “blind” meeting with friends from a discussion board she’s part of; they weren’t who she thought they were.
18. (this feels like the 50th crunch!) She’s been accused of child abuse by a parent of one of her students.
19. She’s having an affair with one of the 10th graders in her World Lit class.
20. She’s having plastic surgery on the Swan and just couldn’t tell anyone.

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Christa said...

did you get the email to join so you can post yours??? These are great! I like 13 the best!!!! Or 19. And 9, good one. Ha!!!!

At 9:12 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Okay, I'm making up my own question: Let's see... hmmm....

Why would a woman not want to make love to her husband (hypothetically, of course!)...

1. period
2. tired
3. not in the mood
4. pregnant
5. pissed off at him
6. Kids are still awake!
7. He's drunk.
8. She's not
9. They just had sex last night.
10. She's feeling fat.
11. He's smelly.
12. She's in love with her female neighbor.
13. She's having an affair with the hot guy at Starbucks
14. She never has an orgasm and doesn't feel like faking another.
15. She just took a shower and doesn't want o get gross.
16. She doesn't want to get pregnant.
17. She just had a baby and hasn't reached the six-week post partum mark.
18. She is mad at him because he pays more attention to his Blackberry, which she has vocally named CRACKberry.
19. She is drunk and can't move.
20. Gee... I am having a hard time thinking of the last one... hmmm... this is a great exercise, and I will do this everyday if you post an exercise. And you're right, the latter observations are so much more clever and thoughtful than the first obvious ones!

How'd I do?

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Christa said...

Good job!! I like #18 the best, I think.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

#18 is usually true! LOL

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

And #19 is pretty funny, too! C

At 1:22 PM, Blogger mamashine said...

Oh, this looks fun! I'm going with the hair dying, but I didn't read the commenter above me, so sorry if I write some of the same things. :)

1. She just broke up with a guy who loved her long dark hair and wants to look totally different.
2. She's on the run due to having robbed the local Dunkin Donuts and needs a disguise. She'll be really fat soon, since she took the donuts instead of the money, and having new hair will complete her new look.
3. She just found out she has cancer and will be losing all her hair soon anyway, and has always wanted to be blonde.
4. She's auditioning to be a stripper and has noticed that the blondes seem to make more money. Wants it to be short so as not to cover up the money-makers.
5. She got lice. Real bad. And since she had to cut it all off, why not color it too?
6. She got a gift certificate for a makeover, and was tilted back in the chair with cucumber slices over her eyes while the hairdresser did this to her without her knowledge.
7. She's running away with the guy who changes the oil in her Honda and he likes blondes better.
8. She had dyed it dark when she was fifteen and Goth and angry at her father, and has now decided enough's enough and she's going back to her natural color.
9. She slipped on the job and got ten gallons of molasses in her hair. The blonde bleach was the only thing they could find to get the remnants out after they cut as much of it out as they could.
10. She's having a massive midlife crisis and thinks it will make her look sexier in her new sportscar.
11. She and her best friend have made a political pledge to have short blond hair until Jon Bon Jovi is governor of New Jersey.
(this is getting hard. I'm going to have to resort to cliches before too long...)
12. Her husband thought it would be really sexy if she dressed like Tinkerbell at night.
13. It matches her new favorite hat much more nicely.
14. Doesn't everybody know blondes have more fun?
15. She's trying to hang on to her youth.
16. She's an undercover agent and has been sent on assignment in Scandinavia.
17. She's a journalist writing an article on the evils of the hair salon and needs research for her work.
18. She got amnesia and is now living with a man who keeps telling her that she is Marilyn Monroe.
19. It's a punishment for losing a bet. She didn't want to eat the can of Alpo, and this is her second choice.
20. There was a freak accident involving a Subaru, some peanut butter, and a jar of olives....

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Christa said...

Hah! LOL! I like 4, 9 and 11 the best! Thanks for playing!
Jon Bon Jovi FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!

At 12:34 PM, Blogger RantsyPants said...

* What might cause a family of five to move to a foreign country?

1.Mom or Dad just got a new job
2.The parents want their children to experience more of the world
3.They can't stand the government here, so they're testing out a new system in another country.
4.Mom and Dad are spies and have to keep moving
5.Dad is a polygamist and is marrying a woman in another country
6.they have been exiled, deported, banished
7.They just found out they inherited a grand estate and are going to go live in it.
8.They just purchased a vineyard and are moving to France
9.Mom or Dad is in the armed forces and is being stationed elsewhere
10.One of the parents is an Ambassador to that country
11.The kids were accepted into a highly esteemed private school and the parents want to live in the same country as their children
12.Mom is sick and the country they are moving to just approved a new medical technique that is not in use in their country
13.Dad is a rock star and has recently purchased a large estate to move the family to, to get awat from the papparazi
14.Dad is a rocket scientist and has been hired to help design a new space ship for the country they are moving to
15.Dad is a profeesional soccer player and has just been traded
16.Mom is a supermodel and is taking the family to Italy while she does her fashion shows in Milan
17.One of the kids has been named the new Dhali Lama and the whole family is moving to Tibet (or wherever it is the lama lives)
18.They are missionaries sent to rid the world of heathens (sp?)
19.The parents are both natives of that country and are returning to the homeland
20.They are terrorists plotting on destroying the world, one country at a time

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Christa said...

11, 13, and 17 are MOST intriguing..... :) Thanks for playing!


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