For wannabe writers afflicted with chronic procrastination and lack of motivation.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A poem for your consideration

I hope it's all right that I posted this. It's not from an exercise we did here, but you mentioned posting some of my poetry and this is a mommy poem, for sure. Can I ask for feedback? I'd like to publish it somewhere. Thanks. If it's not ok to post other stuff, let me know!

The New Mother Searches For but Does Not Find Spirit, of Mother,
in the Index of Dr. Spock’s Guide to a Well-Baby

These days my spirit is an empty slate
a tabula rosa, as vacant as the gaze
of a newborn drifting to sleep in your arms.

Behind these blue eyes chaos reigns
like two radios playing two songs
(not necessarily Barney)
and you’re breastfeeding in the room between.

If spirit were as simple
as, say, becoming a tree,
I would hollow out a solid old birch
fit my arms
in the white sleeves of its branches
and be still.
Its rings would wrap around my bones
and finally I would learn
how to hold it all together.

Would that I could send away for spirit,
order something celestial
something holy and divine
from a witty catalogue printed on recycled paper.
In just three to five working days
without ever leaving home
I could be whole and centered,
breathing freely, ultimately serene.
Words would flow from my lips
lemon grass scented.
The flutes and violins of my lyrical speech
would soothe and refresh -- hymns for all.

These days the soul of the mauled mourning dove
rescued in my garage, silent and resigned
to his sad fate
among untouched bowls of water and food
is spirit enough for me.

Unless the pizza delivery guy
took my order seriously:
one large harmony pie
extra soul
extra spirit.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Christa said...

Love it!! And NOOOOO, NO no posting other stuff!! (Just Kidding, totaly post ANYTHING!!!!) Just write!!!!

At 10:30 AM, Blogger RantsyPants said...

I don't know a lot about poetry, but I think this is great! It's humorous and touching at the same time


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