For wannabe writers afflicted with chronic procrastination and lack of motivation.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Third Person Exercise

Figured I better catch up before I jump in with new stuff. :)

It was too quiet in the playroom. The silence registered as she realized the only sound she could hear was the toaster popping up. Where were the boys? Their breakfast was ready, which was a good thing. However, their lack of noise indicated a definite problem. She stuck her head through the doorway to try to catch them in the act of whatever mayhem they were currently causing.

Tommy was lying on the floor in front of the breaker box. Timmy was standing flat on his brother's back and gazing in wonder at the multitude of switches before his eyes. So many pretty buttons to push. Tommy was whispering, "Hurry up, my turn, wanna see!"

She crept up behind her angels and called, "Waffles are ready!"

Timmy leaped in terror, fell, and landed directly on his brother's head. As they both cried, she frog-marched them to the table and set them up with waffles and applesauce. She wondered whether giving them a lecture would be at all successful. Probably not. In fact, she had to admit she was a bit impressed by their ingenuity. At four she wouldn't have thought to stand on her sister Kate, nor would Kate have allowed such a thing. She decided to just let it go for once.

The rest of the morning flew by in a whirlwind of fingerpainting, tormenting the cat, mopping the kitchen floor, eating lunch, and mopping the floor again. Finally the boys were both down for a nap. She flopped herself down on the couch and turned on the tv. Nothing. Frowning, she picked up the phone to call her husband, since he was the resident expert on such matters. No dial tone. Hmm. Instant messaging wasn't working. Error 794: Your computer is not currently connected to the internet.

Dammit!, she thought. Okay, what would he tell me to do? She went to the office and unplugged the router, carefully resetting it. Still nothing.

After trying everything she could think of, she remembered Timmy standing at the breaker box that morning. Upon going to look, sure enough, one switch was flipped. No lights are off though, she wondered, what circuit is this? She flipped it back on and the freezer hummed back to life. Her heart sinking, she looked at the left wall of her new playroom. The electrician had run all the wires through one new wall and created a new circuit. Not much was running off this one... just the Verizon box, which powered the tv, phone, and internet, and her giant freezer.

She opened the freezer and was met with a small lake of ice water, melting fish sticks, and wilted pastry crust. Oprah's gonna have to wait, she thought, because now I have work to do.



At 9:12 AM, Blogger RantsyPants said...

Great story, KEP!

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Christa said...

HAH!!! I have SO been there!


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