For wannabe writers afflicted with chronic procrastination and lack of motivation.

Monday, June 26, 2006

List Lover-Charity

Hehe this is going to be good. Gee I hope this doesn't make you all think I am a horrible person...

1. Actually sleep with a person on my list of five ppl that DH and I have agreed to if the opportunity arose...
2. Tell my sexy history professor that it isn't his mind that I am interested in...
3. Forget said professor is gay so that I can keep my fantasy...
4. Drink...constantly just because
5. Tell the people in my life that only call when they need something to go to hell and stop calling you leaches!!!
6. Write about said horrible ppl on my blog for all of the two people out there that read it to find amusement at other people's expense...oh wait been there and done it!
7. To be able to walk away from people (or animals) that need me because I will be late for something if I stop...I am late often...
8. Pay someone to write my term paper because I am such a procrastinator.
9. Only go see my husband right before lights out at the barracks just to watch all the male soldiers taking off their shirts with the blinds open...
10. Become a phone sex operator...$2.99 a minute could really add up and pay for my book addiction.
11. Take one of those stripper classes...the ones for weight loss (yeah right)
12. Show DH what I learned in that class...
13. Write a blog that is wildly popular, even if it for all the wrong reasons because one day the attention could lead to a book deal...hey it happens
14. Write a nasty letter to the Dixie Chicks and tell them exaticaly the reasons that they should be patriotic and learn to keep their mouths shut...
15. Let my kids eat PB&J sandwiches all day long...
16. Steal the weekly free employment listing paper that is in all of our driveways from my neighbor so I can have two of the Michael's coupons that are tucked inside...
17. Leave my kids at daycare for the entire day instead of picking them up right after class...I just can't do it.
18. Dance naked under the moon...why no clue but I am running out of things here.
19. Eat an entire roll of cookie dough...
20. Delete all of Dh's DVR'd episodes of Law and Order reruns...I have to be nice he has kept my scrapbooking ones...

Whew that was fun up until the very end when I wasn't able to really come up with anything...


At 4:19 PM, Blogger mamashine said...

I wish you brought your kids to my daycare, or at least that more of my moms felt like you in #17. Mine come five minutes late on their days off in their workout clothes...

At 8:06 PM, Blogger jillypoet said...

I leave my art studio right after teaching class to be with my kids...straight from 12 preschoolers to 2 under 4. Who needs the gym? Oh, and, #18...done it! Way before hubby and kids.


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