For wannabe writers afflicted with chronic procrastination and lack of motivation.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Well. I've read the "20 Things" lists. And, I must confess that I've actually done a number of the things on Christa's list--now, you figure out which ones! HA! The lists ALL made me LOL!

IDEA: I'm going to add each of you to my links line on my personal blog--I should have done this already, but time...yeah, you know, time. I regularly read my linked blogs, so this will be a sure way for me to get to know everyone better. What do you all think of this idea--adding each other's blog links to the blog we write on most frequently? Personally, I've been "comment poor" lately and this has me planning pity parties with my daily coffee, which it should NOT, but if PMS is present I am not responsible, lol. (nice run-on sentence). I could use the support and maybe some of you could, too. I 'think' I've been dissed by a popular blogger and have lost half of the women who were reading & commenting. But, again, the PMS might be at work in my slight paranoia.

OK---my LIST:
1. Not get out of bed. For as many days as I wish not to get out of bed.
2. Tell the children to feed themselves, all day long.
3. Wear tank tops just to spite my husband, who thinks my arms are fat.
4. Use my preschool teaching salary to fund a Follow-Keith-Urban-all-over-the-country-on-his-next-tour Plan.
5. Skip the dentist visits for the next few years. (actually, that would cost a fortune in the long run--scratch that)
6. Go on the invitation-only Rick Springfield cruise next Feb. All by myself.
7. Work the system to get my second son into the gifted program at school.
8. Write a juicy novel about all of my friends and not disguise them.
9. Stop tithing and use some of the $ to pay the Kindergarten tuition.
10. Compulsively Google my old boyfriend and drive-by his home.
11. Somehow become friends with his wife.
12. Use the savings account to visit LipoDissolve centers and erase the fat arms, rear cellulite.
13. Get pregnant.
14. Stop biting my tongue at singing practice and let it fly right back at---.
15. Blame someone I love for all of my shortcomings.
16. Eat nothing but ice cream.
17. Scout the subdivision on trash day and glean.
18. Visit display homes and totally lead the realtor to believe I had a true intention to buy.
19. Tell my family that I'm leaving for a week to go to a beach resort.
20. Lie on my resume.

TTYS, Chrissy


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Christa said...

I've totally don e number 18- to realtors and car salesmen!!!

At 8:30 PM, Blogger jillypoet said...

I love your list. I'm especially fond of the stay in bed one, and will probably steal it for my list. I don't know how yet to post links on my blog, but I would be happy to if someone could tell me how. How can you be dissed by a populare blogger, and what, pray tell, is a popular blogger? Aren't we all equal?!

At 7:40 AM, Blogger RantsyPants said...

Ok, so I posted this yesterday, but apparently it didn't go through. If it repeats, I'm sorry.

PLEASE take me on the Rick Springfield Cuise with you!! PLEASE!!

And I'm all for the linking of blogs. I have this page listed on my blog now, and I would love to do everyone's individuals. As I said before, I haven't been around to post anything lately, except a few free associations, but hopefully things will start to settle back down in a few weeks and I'll get back into it.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger RantsyPants said...

Oh yeah, What is your other page? When I click on your name it says your profile has not been enabled, or something. Can you give us the addy or open your profile?

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

My blog moved to http;//singalullaby.typepad.com/

Ya'll are funny! IF I could take off work (teaching preschool this coming year is really going to cramp my style!), I'd love to take anyone who'd want to go on that cruise~~I saw the man in concert last summer and he is in amazing shape for 50-something!

thanks for reading! Chrissy

At 7:56 PM, Blogger mamashine said...

I've been doing #5 for a long time now... can't remember the last time I went to the dentist. Oops.


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